Modern biologic challenges threaten social health level throughout the world, which shrouded current methods in a haul of ambiguity and led to fresh methods innovation toward public health promotion.
Therefore, Alton Tamin Pouya Company supports social health concordant with global pace through medical equipment and disposables supply based on up-to-date international standards by its professional team.
This company fundamentally instituted on observation, review and attainment of global innovative methods and technology in order to pursue its mission toward serving healthcare centers, physicians, medical equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers as well as nutritional industries.
The Alton Tamin Pouya Company as one of the leading developing domestic manufacturing & distributing companies in varied fields of medical industries has set notable regional market share in its long-term horizon through various medical equipment baskets. Hence, we as an international company do aim to foresee and provide clients’ future needs through our abroad subsidiaries based on our principles such as corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, organizational scaffold promotion and customer care, smartly and flexibly.
The company has stepped alongside well-known companies in the field of sterilization, taking advantage of its professional experience and market analysis. This team not only considers current professional stand as the milestone, but also endeavors to stabilize its role as the absolute reference of medical equipment market either production or distribution.
With due attention to expansion of sterilization arena; the Alton Tamin Pouya Company aims evolution of existing medical equipment basket according to current and future needs, in addition to supplying required items based on social responsibility and customer care principles.
The Alton Tamin Pouya Company social responsibility has directed services to charity clinical centers and public injures of natural disasters. However, this is our humanitarian sense of duty; the participation and cooperation shall normalize moreover continuously and expendably.
We do believe our professional experience is to concern toward a valuable, innovative and science-oriented aim to an outstanding rank in the state health system as well as a great role in the homeland sustainable development.