Spore Discs and Growth media
Steam Hydrogen Peroxide process is applied to disinfect isolated areas. Biological Spore Discs may be applied unpacked in isolated area.
There is no EN or ISO strength standard at hand. D amounts are calculated in adjacency to spore suspension of Hydrogen Peroxide solutions. The analyzed spore suspensions are used in carriers’ inoculation. Therefore, influence of carriers on Biological Indicator suspension strength.
Spore Discs
The Biological Indicators including G-Stearothermophilus bacterial spores, are inoculated on 7 mm diameter (various) disc carriers and offered in bulk or separate packs.
Spore Threads
Threads are designed in 30 mm length & 0.1 mm width dimensions with Bacillus inoculation to be applied in Dry Heat and Ethylene Oxide sterilization processes.