Washing Indicator
As a simple method to recognize effectivity of washing and sterilizing machines, it is easily placed either in the holder or the trays during the cycle in the washing machine.
The brown indicator that is simulating the human blood and residuals, is the half clear point to simulate surgical instruments angles in the holder. Washing holder is inserted in the sterilizer on top-face and the washing cycle is run accordingly. The accurate washing cycle is revealed on the indicator in the form of brown indicator removal.
If the stains of indicators are not clearly omitted, it means that the washing cycle was wrong and repetition of cycle deems necessary. So, the indicator shall not be archived.
100 mm height x 45 mm width
Standard Classification
This indicator is produced in accordance with all ISO 15883 standard details for regular check of disinfection and washing machines.
No materials harmful to health and under-washing instruments are found during and post cycle.